Apr 11, 2008

Blogging Without Obligation

Yes, Blogging Without Obligation. That's exactly what I need. Now that I am back in the "swing of things", I hate missing even one day but find that once a week is evidently pretty good from all accounts! But one must refuse to feel obligated about the fun stuff... especially when it comes at, not exactly a price, but a readjustment. A tipping point, maybe. Work is a very very hectic thing for Me, esp during the dreaded "earnings season".
Basically, half the year, my life -- or the time in it -- is not thoroughly my own. The dough is good but I remind myself, "this is not who I am. It helps me be what I am." Someone asked me a couple of years ago during a meeting at a unitarian church, "What do you do?" I said, "I read and make art and go to movies." Everyone really liked that answer. You have to admit, it was a pretty good one. I knew she expected to be told how I get money, she meant my job.
But that is not what I do, what I am. It's a part of it, of course. And the blogging is part of the journal of my life, too.
More later!

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