Mar 3, 2010

Blooms and Buttons

"Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you." Who said that?

And these are the buttons Amy gave me this Sunday. They may very well go on my steampunk outfit Easter weekend... and they look like real pearls, don't they? sigh... you should see them in person.

Bloom where you are planted.


Anonymous said...

You love those elaborate hairdos...can't wait to see your steampunk Easter get up. We had snow today too!

They promise 50 tomorrow. Can't wait.

Sarah said...

I like that-bloom where you are planted. Good advice! I like the hair on this lady too. I used to love Princess Leia's hair which this girl reminds me of a bit. I also like plaits on top of the head. Heidi like!

Sarah said...

Oh-and are you going to share the outfit? Hope so!

femminismo said...

That blooming girl is lovely! I love how you've combined the two beauties - the flower and the woman. You are teeriffic! Pearl buttons should make the outfit gorgeous. You are always thinking ahead and I am always so last minute. Good for you.

Candace said...

50 is GREAT in some places. lol. Hope things warm up for everyone soon enough. Not long till spring shows up and we want her to be able to run barefoot.
Thanks everyone, for your visits and remarks. It means a lot, this sweet and tenuous connection we have in Blogovia.
You will indeed see the outfit at the appointed time and well, Jeanne, not so sure about thinking ahead as much as not getting caught with my britches down.

Take care!

Beedeebabee said...

Another great drawing, Miss Candy! I don't know who said that though...who was is anyway?? Those buttons are so pretty, and I can't wait to see your Easter outfit! I know you must be cooking up something real special! Glad you liked the recipe! xo Paulette