Despite this "I don't like the beach" litany, I think T had an even better time than I did. And I love love love this area of the country... the people have worked hard and still do to preserve their culture, their heritage and art, the cuisine, music and it shows everywhere you turn.
We had one adventure after another on the way to the Big Event at Wide Awake Plantation. Serpentarium is worth the visit in and of itself. My nephew Jonathan said, "I always thought it was a rinky dink place, a little place, with maybe four or five snakes." Au contraire, mon frere!
Serpentarium not only has a plethora of local, regional and national snakes and other reptiles, venomous and non, it boasts myriad exotic snakes. No photos allowed inside where they are kept in cages. It stresses and frightens them which means -- TADA! -- no baby snakes. But trust me, when I came across the Fer De Lance, the reticulated pythons, the Albino Asian Pythons and then the Giant Green Anaconda -- well, this kid was impressed. The staff is kind and friendly and obviously love their work and their charges...
But on to the next pit stop. And, one of the star attractions we saw last weekend!
Who wouldn't love Big George? He's easily 15 or more feet in length and he is the king of THAT part of the world, believe you me. None of the others go near him... and another gator was missing part of a leg. We wondered if it was an unfortunate boating accident or if he had lost a round to Big George.
And now to The Big Event. The Main Attraction. The former Brooke Chapman floated down the aisle to her Prince Charming, my nephew Jonathan, himself totally feet off the ground happy before,
Lovely Candace! You're getting great with that camera! :)
Oh hi, and thanks! LOL. I've been practicing... a *lot*.
What a beautiful couple. Anniversary in 2058? Why not? Cryogenics, here we come!
I have to admit I will have to Google "low country boil," although it sounds like what happens to crawdads around here in Oregon. (I'm glad you kept "the Pinks") - jeanne
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