Jun 23, 2009

Wherein We Meet Our Characters -- Ladies First

Hello Everyone!

Here's hoping now, that with summer being "official", the season will indeed be good for all, and that you get a little bit of a kick from the first glimpse of Cast and Characters Below -- one of the works in progress for "A Midsummer Night's Dream". We have Helena to start with, and many more throughout the next few posts. (whew, I thought I would never get this baby off the ground.)

Amazing what the changing of the light does to one's artwork. Or any work for that matter. Again, that light and shadow play.

Although I did indeed go over the yellow in the background a bit more so it would "pop".

Then, never one to leave well enough alone, I added a bit of bling for effect.

And I might give her a totally different background by the time it's over --
Rounding up the usual suspects of papers, coloured pencils, glue, markers and crayons, I hope to have a complete paper doll brigade -- larger than the usual size -- placed like a movie still or poster that one sees when it's finished.
Then again, I might paint it all out in my journal for a keeper...!
It was 100F starting Thursday of last week and finishing up at 102F on actual Midsummer.
If that was Solstice, I dread the Dog Days of August.
Get More of What You Love.


femminismo said...

Lovely lady. And she could serve as a sort of self-portrait, without glasses and with different hair color (colour). Do you speak with an English accent? If I didn't hate telephones so much I'd call you and find out, but I'd rather communicate this way. Love the way you made the background pop - and I'm enjoying my dragonfly.

Anne said...

Hi Candace! Helena is lovely with her blonde hair, pretty background, and bling! :-)

By the way, just wanted to letcha know I am officially "following" your blog and my picture will show up in your list of "followers". If you choose to return the favor, that would be spiffy, but you certainly don't have to! Hope you have a super week! :-)

Beedeebabee said...

Hi Candace! I really like your Helena! She looks like she's got some spunk! I can't wait to see this finished project! Paulette :o)

Sarah said...

The bling is great on your lovely lady Candace! Can't wait to see that movie still! It is very hot here too and looking to get hotter, which would be lovely if I was on a beach or by a pool! It's weird though, my main priority at work becomes to make sure the children don't overheat and that they drink enough. WHo cares about learning?!